"Things that make me think . . . HMMMMMM!"

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

"The Help" Revisited

So they made it into a movie. My daughter took my husband and me to see the movie. Better to have read the book before going to the movie, I think. The making of the book into a movie was nice, but the book had soooo much more meat to the story, and then there were scenes in the movie that just did not come from the book. I guess they put them in to make the movie more entertaining. As we watched, you could tell who in the audience had read the book because of the giggling and laughing when certain sections of the movie played out. Regardless, it was good. Can hardly wait for this author's next book.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Someone asked a question this morning, and after giving it much thought, I tend to see validity in the question--"Why is it that in the news media, the now President, President Obama, is referred to, by many, by only his last name, rather than his title of President and his last name?"

I've gone back and reviewed news clips--CNN, especially-- and media news headings and found that many of the news anchors and news headings referred to the President as simply, Obama rather than President Obama.

Check out these media headlines:

Is this just an oversight because the name is such a household word or chant--O-bam-a, O-bam-a! Or, all be it for me to say, is the news media simply not giving respect to the title?

President Clinton when in the White House was always President Clinton or President Bill Clinton--even when he was amongst controversy--he was President Clinton. President Bush--with all the controversy surrounding him--was always President Bush. President Carter, more times than not, was not just President Carter, but President Jimmy Carter. And the list goes on. BUT this President of the United States is hailed by the media as Obama. WHY?? Is the race card raising its ugly head here or is this the Republicans' and Tea Party's way of showing their respect (Pun intended) to the President?! You tell me!