"Things that make me think . . . HMMMMMM!"

Sunday, July 11, 2010


A few days ago when listing to CNN, a news commentator mentioned that if Bill Clinton was still president, he wouldn't have handled the BP incident the way that Obama has. He mentioned some head honchos that Clinton would have called in to get things done. My thought is, if those people exist, why aren't they stepping up to the plate and offering their help? Who really has gotten us in this mess? I don't think Obama was pesident when BP was given permission to drill. Why aren't those people being held accountable for giving permission without checking to ensure that BP had a Plan A and B in place to handle such a catastrophe as this. Surely they knew it could happen; didn't it happen before???? DAAA!!!!!!!!! As long as BP was drilling and everyone was getting their little slice of the profit pie in whatever shape form or fashion (wages, stocks, kickbacks, promotions, etc.) no one ever voiced a concern about the impact of a possible leak, blow up, etc. But now that it has happened, everyone is in the pointing a finger game. (Rest assured someone's pockets have gotten fatter since permission to drill was granted.) Instead of spending so much time trying to decide who to blame, put some of that energy into coming up with possible solutions. I bet there is a teenager out there somewhere that is sitting on the answer. Rather than spreading all this poisonous propaganda, challenge some of our young minds to come up with solutions. Take a portion of that 20 billion to pay the people in New Orleans who are out of work to go and clean up their shorelines. I bet they would have a better vested interest in doing the job correct to ensure that they are able to return to their livelihood. When a person has an vested interest in what is going on, they take ownership of what they are doing and are more focused on getting the job done right. Give these people something to do so that they can make a difference. Those of us from the baby boomer era would rather do a day's work for a day's pay than sitting around waiting on a handout that may never come. And that's whats on my mind.

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